FFC Investment Guidelines 2007/08 Open Industry Meetings

Chief executive Brian Rosen will be leading the FFC’s annual industry consultations in March and April 2007. Public meetings will be held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart.
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FFC Investment Guidelines 2007/08 Open Industry Meetings

Chief executive Brian Rosen will be leading the FFC’s annual industry consultations in March and April 2007. Public meetings will be held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart.

The consultations will be an opportunity for the FFC and industry stakeholders to discuss:
the progress of the FFC’s two-door evaluation/marketplace system for financing feature films
the marketing of Australian feature films
the Government Review of Film Funding Support
investment guidelines for documentary in 2007/08
investment guidelines for children’s feature film in 2007/08

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.