Experimenta: mentorship – forms due by August 3rd

EXPERIMENTA is offering the opportunity for young and emerging media art practitioners developing site-related and/or public works to undertake a three-month mentorship with an established practitione
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EXPERIMENTA is offering the opportunity for young and emerging media art practitioners developing site-related and/or public works to undertake a three-month mentorship with an established practitioner of their choice.

The mentorship enables an emerging artist to explore new creative directions, to expand technical skills and increase knowledge of networks, debates and business practice. Applicants are invited to select a mentor and develop a program of activity spanning a three-month period. The mentor may be accessed locally, nationally or internationally. If required Experimenta can provide the contact details of several suitable artist/mentors who are willing to participate in the program.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.