Cleaning the Fluff Out of Your Ears and Out of Your Mouth

This year Metro Screen teamed with APRA (Australasian Performing Rights Association) to offer one of their First Breaks filmmakers a place in APRA’s Sound and Music: A Fusion for the Senses course. Th
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This year Metro Screen teamed with APRA (Australasian Performing Rights Association) to offer one of their First Breaks filmmakers a place in APRA’s Sound and Music: A Fusion for the Senses course.

It was a first for them both and you could not find a happier lab rat.
Hosted by the ever charming, Andrew Urban, APRA’s A Fusion for the Senses has been the highlight of my week for the past six weeks. What better way to spend a Tuesday evening than rubbing shoulders with six of Australia’s most gifted film composers?

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Jo-Anne Brechin
About the Author
Jo-Anne Brechin