Carla Cametti PD: sizzling six-part series

Get set for a bold new direction in local drama with CARLA CAMETTI PD, a sizzling six-part series for SBS Television, produced by Buon Giorno Productions and scheduled to commence shooting in early Ap
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Get set for a bold new direction in local drama with CARLA CAMETTI PD, a sizzling six-part series for SBS Television, produced by Buon Giorno Productions and scheduled to commence shooting in early April.

Sassy, sexy and determined, Carla Cametti has the looks and street smarts to get what she wants. But she also has a personal life that’s rife with danger – from a family riddled with gangsters to her volatile relationship with Detective Luciano Gandolfi, a dangerously hunky policeman seconded to curb Melbourne’s burgeoning gangland activity. Oh, and there’s a price on her head…but at least life isn’t dull, and for a girl like Carla that means more than a 9 to 5 job and money in the bank…although money for the rent wouldn’t go astray…

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