Budget briefing: Australian Directors Guild + Independent Producers Initiative = good oil

ADG, and IPI and NSW FTO combine for a NSW briefing with Rosen, Scott, Harris and Tizard. A chance to look at the budgetary implications after the dust has settled, the wilder plans have been washed a
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ADG, and IPI and NSW FTO combine for a NSW briefing with Rosen, Scott, Harris and Tizard. A chance to look at the budgetary implications after the dust has settled, the wilder plans have been washed away and the truly cunning schemes have made their claim.

Confused by all of the information that has come out as a result of the recent Federal Budget? What is this new rebate? How does it work? What does it mean? What happens to 10BA projects? How will the new agency operate? How will it co-fund projects? What happens during the transition phase?

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.