Boot Camp Cannes – 2006

How does the world’s most important film festival and market work and how can you navigate your way through it to success? The mystery of doing business at the world''s largest film festival and marke
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How does the world’s most important film festival and market work and how can you navigate your way through it to success? The mystery of doing business at the world”s largest film festival and market is revealed by Cannes veteran Victoria Treole, who is conducting a two part seminar on the event.

For two weeks of the year tens of thousands of critics, distributors, film festival programmers, acquisitions executives, studio bosses, producers, con artists, actors, directors, sales agents, film lovers and the merely curious descend on Cannes. There are also many many French people going about their daily lives. With their dogs.

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Victoria Treole
About the Author
Victoria Treole has worked in the domestic and international industry for 20 years and has attended the Cannes Film Festival as Head of Market Development for the AFC and as Senior Acquisitions Executive of Miramax Films (1994-05)