Bombshell: wins the City of Melbourne Emerging Filmmaker for Best Australian Short Queer Film

Sydney filmmaker Kim Farrant’s 15 minute short film Bombshell has been awarded the City of Melbourne Emerging Filmmaker for Best Australian Short Queer Film at the 20th Melbourne Queer Film Festival.
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Sydney filmmaker Kim Farrant’s 15 minute short film Bombshell has been awarded the City of Melbourne Emerging Filmmaker for Best Australian Short Queer Film at the 20th Melbourne Queer Film Festival. The City of Melbourne reinforces their long-standing support of the Festival by generously providing a $2000 cash prize for the award. Farrant also receives a return airfare to LA, courtesy of festival sponsor V Australia.

Bombshell follows the story of two Greek Australian brothers who are forced to question their traditional beliefs and identities as men when a loaded bombshell is thrown into their laps. Filmmaker and award winner Kim Farrant said: “My father carried the secret of his bi-sexuality for over two decades of his life. I then carried his secret and his shame, along with my brothers for another ten years. As children, we perceived his sexuality to be shameful because Dad made it out to be that way and we had been taught to keep it a secret. I made this film because no one should have to live in shame about who they are or keep secrets about who they are. [Now] I have finally shared my secret with the world. And this is the power of film. We get to share our truths, unashamedly. So, winning this award is a beautiful gift that says to me, maybe some people understood what I was carrying and that I not alone”.

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