AFCA: second round of awards

The Australian Film Critics’ Association (AFCA) is calling for submissions for their second annual Film Writing Awards.
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The Australian Film Critics’ Association (AFCA) is calling for submissions for their second annual Film Writing Awards.

The 2010 Awards are open to everyone and submissions will be accepted until December 31. There are four Award categories, each of which carries a cash prize.

There is no entry fee but each entrant is permitted only two submissions each. The categories are:
Ivan Hutchinson Award for writing on Australian film: $500
Award for writing on non-Australian film: $500
Award for a review of an individual Australian film: $200
Award for a review of an individual non-Australian film: $200
By recognizing the contribution of local film critics and commentators through these Awards, AFCA aims to raise the level of film culture within Australia and in so doing, broaden public awareness of film as an art form and cultural artifact.

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