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Writing and Publishing


What's On - Screen Forever + Three Summers + Ace Fests + Pixar guru

From a dancer as old as the rocks to a Pixar philosopher, some muscly fests and Screen Forever, a heap…


New CEO for Screenwest is Seph McKenna

Seph McKenna grew up in the US, is trained as a lawyer, and is senior executive from the Australian wing…


From Us to Audience - five fundamental truths about the creative industries

David Court has been studying success and failure in the creative screen sector for a lifetime. Can his Five Fundamentals…


Screen Forever - probing the Milne effect

The new Chair of the ABC will speak at Screen Forever. However, the platform is not just any old conversation…


What's On - Winda soon to open, play at Screen Forever, check festivals...

Screen Forever's pitching slots are open tomorrow. Russians and Brits compete for festival audiences. And the wonderful Winda is selling…


Drama Report 2017 - looking under the bonnet

The 2016-17 drama report is all about consistency, but the detail reveals some subtly significant changes.


Collective and personal - prose, screenwriting and the heart of life

Let's talk about personal writing from a screen perspective. it's all about revelation, hunger and professional discipline.


What's On: Spierigs + Fassbinder + new films & fests + Screen Forever

Thor Ragnarok is directed by Taika Waititi, the imp of New Zealand, headlining the long list of cinema treasures around…


Walkleys 2017 - journalism evolves towards rich and strange

How does investigative journalism and excellent reporting adapt to digital times? Here are some hints from The Walkleys.


Screen Forever - Meet the buyers, guess what they have in their pockets

Bread and butter humans at Screen Forever in the vital Meet the Buyer sessions.

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