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Company Announcements

Film award season starts with NSW students

The Robin Anderson Student Film Awards will bring a bit of youth and energy to the State Theatre in Sydney…

Company Announcements

AIDC DOCUMART - one month to go

Monday 12 December is the deadline for submission to DOCUmart, one of the major features of the Australian International Documentary…

Company Announcements

Port Shorts Line Up Announced

12 films have been selected to screen in competition in the Port Shorts International Film Festival 2005 on Friday November…

Company Announcements

QPix hot water boils up talent

The fourth annual Kodak TVC Competition for Filmschools has been won by students from the QPIX Training Certificate IV In…

Company Announcements

Australian Princess series sold to UK

Network Ten, in association with Granada Productions, announced today that Australian Princess has been acquired by ITV2 in the UK.

Company Announcements

Canadian sale for Oz tot animation

'Rob the Robot' and 'Debra the Zebra' take on the world, one wide eyed preschooler at a time, making Ministudios…

Company Announcements


An Austrailan television drama reminds us it blitzed 'em in the ratings. That's good for all of us.

Company Announcements

Last Call For Entries

The 16th Melbourne Queer Film Festival is calling for entries to its festival - March 2 - 12, 2006

Company Announcements

Independent film CAUGHT SHORT at TAP Gallery...

Tomorrow night, in the wasteland of Darlinghurst, as the tumbleweeds roll down Palmer Street and the weary camel herders light…


Small Screen: He’s Not The Messiah. Just a Very Naughty Boy

What on earth is John Safran, wrecker of temples, doing on television for twelve weeks with an ageing inner city…

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