Byron Bay Film Festival
The organisers have put out the word that all aspiring Filmakers should begin submitting their films for the 2007 Byron…
The Spoiler: Your sneak preview of the big new American dramas.
The new US shows have been running in the fall season and we've been investigating what's hot and what's not,…
Seven: scoring the US high raters
Seven is proud of the number of hot US shows it runs.
Popcorn Taxi Melbourne: tonight's the night
Popcorn Taxi presents a special advance preview screening of the superb new US indie film A GUIDE TO RECOGNIZING YOUR…
Ten: Bondi Rescue surfaces a second time.
Cordell Jigsaw has been commissioned to deliver a second season of Bondi Rescue for Ten.
Seven: Michael Palin travels to a new network.
Seven has borrowed an ABC idea by picking up Michael Palin's new travel show, Palin's New Europe.
Foxtel: Kidman having babies!
Sort of... we admit we're being a tad tabloid with that headline.
Foxtel: New Sci Fi Channel launching in December
May the force be with you. To infinity and beyond. By your command. Trust nobody. We can't wait for the…
OPEN CHANNEL: Do you fantasize about producing your own prime-time TV show?
It’s time to kick-start your brilliant career! Your idea could be made into a 13-episode program for prime-time broadcast on…
AFTRS and IF nominations: who didn't go through AFTRS?
A record number of Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) graduates have been nominated for the IF Awards, announced…