Moulin Rouge producer, Martin Brown, signs on to produce the winning script in MOVIE EXTRA's $1 million Projet Greenlight filmmaking…
The MacRae Brothers Win Project Greenlight $1 Million
Sydney brothers Kenn and Simon MacRae have won MOVIE EXTRA'S $1 million Project Greenlight filmmaking compeition
Regional Digital Screen Network: opened and ready
Digital exhibition creeps ever closer, as projectors whine piteously in fear. Now the government is mounting a pincer move from…
Nice shorts: winners
Those nice people have announced a list of winners - always loved at this time of year.
Project Greenlight: the official thang
The MacRae Brothers, Kenn and Simon, are the winners of MOVIE EXTRA’S Project Greenlight fimmaking competition for 2007 and a…
ScreenPlay: Writers group rolls credits on script-reads
A script-reading group for emerging screenwriters based at ACMI is winding up its acclaimed programme.
AFI winner Susie Porter at Metro Screen’s Filmmakers’ Studio
Susie Porter speaks for Metro - December 18th Monday night 7pm - 9pm Metro Screen, Paddington Town Hall, Sydney
AFTRS & OVATION: taping masterclasses
Should be fascinating. Better than the weird ones from the Actors Studio which Ovation already runs.
Metro Screen partners with ASDA, AWG and SPAA.
Metro Screen is proud to announce new partnerships with ASDA, AWG and SPAA. Together our organisations will be offering new…
AFI Awards: list keeps growing
Decorating the joint: The Australian Film Institute is delighted to announce the latest additions to the star-studded line up of…