2011 Music Video Mash Up
MVMU is a time-based music video making competition: Bands and filmmakers register (for their respective city - Sydney, Melbourne or…
murundak: national release
After hugely successful screenings at the St Kilda Festival, Adelaide Film Festival and WOMADelaide, AFI nominated filmmakers Natasha Gadd and…
CHINA: the next producing frontier?
Ever since the Premier of China Wen Jiabao signalled his intentions to move the Chinese film industry towards a pre-eminent…
CHINA: the next producing frontier?
Ever since the Premier of China Wen Jiabao signalled his intentions to move the Chinese film industry towards a pre-eminent…
CHINA: the next producing frontier?
Ever since the Premier of China Wen Jiabao signalled his intentions to move the Chinese film industry towards a pre-eminent…
Beijing International Festival of Film: bjiffs opposition
The inaugural Beijing International Festival of Film (BJIFF) threw the might of the party behind the opening party on Saturday…
Nepal: indigenous film festival takes flight
The Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival (NIIFF) closed on Monday, having run for four days. The fifth edition marked a…
Shorts Film Festival: winners this weekend
The Love Song of Iska Prufrock, Minnie Loves Junior and Bystander do especially well at the Shorts Film Festival in…
SPAA: industry briefing on proposal for a Producer Distributor Film Fund
SPAA would like to invite all industry professionals to a briefing on its proposal for a Producer Distributor Film Fund…
Beijing: inaugural BJIFF selects 3 Kiwi films
The inaugural Beijing International Film Festival kicks off on the weekend, offering somewhere in the region of 180 titles over…