TTOC: appoints new technical staff
The Television Technical Operators College (TTOC) – the Australian broadcast industry's only accredited advanced vocational training course – today announced…
Film Vic: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Film Victoria is sending local script writer, Jane Allen, to the US on a 12 week fellowship with the hit…
Specialty Equipment: Gearhouse and Camera Corps
Gearhouse Broadcast. "Working in the jungle presents an interesting challenge but, as the world's leading flyaway company, we have the…
Pro Juice TV Goes Live
Pro Juice TV has just been launched on YouTube. (
World Congress of Science and Factual Producers: goes to Melbourne in December 2009
Melbourne will host the 17th World Congress of Science and Factual Producers in December 2009.
Darren Star: heads lineup at AWG National Screenwriters' Conference
Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, Sex and the City… for almost two decades, Darren Star has been creating shows that…
Beyond Distribution: off to the Asia Television Forum
Beyond Distribution continues their consistent presence at ATF next month having attended annually since the market’s inception in 2000.
Adimex: ATTO Technology Ships Industry’s First 6-Gb SAS/SATA Host Adapter
ATTO Technology, Inc., a global leader of storage connectivity and infrastructure solutions for data-intensive computing environments, has announced shipment of…
Internet Censorshop: grass roots writhing with rage
ANAT is partnering with GetUp to prevent the Australian Governments proposed internet censoring scheme.
Global Television: launches first OB supertruck
For a launch like that, with very very cool toys in the giant 18 wheeled box, you need a very…