Project Factory: caught an envelop [repost]
The Project Factory has been working with Nathan Anderson from Envelop Entertainment on a company to company basis. Now, Nathan…

Screen Austraiia: last documentary tranche for 2013
With $2.2 million in nine documentary titles, to secure $10.6m in production, Screen Australia defines a large chunk of 2014…
Brief: APDG winners go far beyond Gatsby
With six awards, the night belonged to The Great Gatsby. But it wasn't unbeatable - it was nominated for eight.
Free TV: rejects Pay TV's latest misleading claims
Free TV Australia rejects pay TV’s latest claims about the cost to government of so-called privileges to the Free TV…
Walkley 2013: Signs of the times as old and new media go head to head
As the Walkleys pit print and new media journalists against each other in common categories, Lady Luck has fun with…
Ratings: Wednesday, 27th November 2013
Seven crosses the 30% barrier perhaps for the last time before next February. Something horrible happened to Ten, to scoop…
Ratings: Thursday 28th November 2013
Even though Beauty and the Geek climbed by 180.000, while Seven also lost almost 200,000 on Today Tonight and Nine…
Tertiary and Industry Night Tickets On Sale Now
Tickets are currently on sale for Australia’s leading film and media awards for the education and industry sectors – the…
Ratings: Tuesday, 26th November 2013
With everyone else down as the audience chooses to frolic on the lawns of life, Seven turns Dancing with the…
Docu-drama: Nial Fulton goes as far as he can, guns blazing while horses scream in the night
Step beyond the familiar stories in our history, and production becomes even more of a crusade than the usual disciplines…