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Matchbox: sells last 40% to NBCUniversal

Announced in the US, NBCUniversal has now completely bought the five owners of Matchbox out of the company and is…


ABC and SBS: details of the efficiency study

The government's position on the ABC is now a big, fat mess which makes the efficiency study a bit alarming.…


iBook Production: how to enter new publishing terrain

Lisa French and ScreenHub correspondent Mark Poole have turned their history of the AFI into an iBook just in time…


AACTA 2014: the view from the living room

Tina Kaufman, veteran of so many AFI and Sydney Film Festival Nights of Glitter, was sternly commanded to stay home…


Ratings: Thursday, 30th January 2014

Do we spy Ten's broadcast of the AACTAs? Not in the top fifteen but it did score 403,000 in the…


Peter Greste: Australian journalist's letters from Egyptian prison

Peter Greste, the Queensland kid who was school captain at Indooroopilly State High School and worked for the ABC is…


Ratings: Wednesday 29th January 2014

How many people can Seven cram in the one kitchen? 2.482m as Home and Away rises again to 1.632m, nationally.


iBook Production: how to enter new terrain

Lisa French and ScreenHub correspondent Mark Poole have turned their history of the AFI into an iBook just in time…


Ratings: Monday 27th January 2014

Ratings are back, officially, though they never really went away. Yes, Home and Away has blasted up to 1.879, and…


Ratings: Tuesday, 28th January 2014

Ten runs a cruddy 15.1% while the ABC scrapes 21%. Seven has the category killers but is much less triumphant…

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