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The real cost of defunding the ABC

ABC funding cuts undervalue both the arts and contemporary stories in our multicultural Australia, argues Vyshnavee Wijekumar.


The future of cinemagoing in a post-COVID world

COVID-19 shut down the world. Now restrictions are loosening, how will cinemas bounce back?


Key AIDC guest Gordon Quinn hospitalised with Coronavirus

Gordon Quinn was an exquisite presence at the Australian International Documentary Conference. A week later, he was sick and looking…


Film Review: 'The Leunig Fragments' depicts a boy who never grew up

Director Kasimir Burgess creates a surprising portrait of the controversial but celebrated cartoonist.


Film Review: A Hidden Life – Simple or Simplistic?

A lifelong fan of Terrence Malick, Adrian Martin considers deeply his latest film and the stylistic tendencies of this auteur.


Film Review: The Wild Top End is a 3D expedition worth taking

Nick Robinson's latest environmental documentary puts the iMax screen to stunning use as it celebrates the Australian landscape.


Pollies promise arts support as Tasmania prepares for the polls

The Liberal Government, the Labor Opposition and the Greens are all wooing the Tasmanian arts sector in the lead up…

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