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Move over Pixar – it's our turn to animate

If it’s not Disney or Pixar, it’s not animation, right? Wrong. QUT sets us right with a new interactive exhibition.

Opinions & Analysis

Art is worth less in the age of Spotify – and not just financially

When the consumer can delete at the push of a button royalties are drastically reduced and artistic worth is liquified.


TV and Digital Future: PwC plays soothsayer in annual predictions

PwC, aka The Oracle, has spoken about the future of the industry. It is more of the same than we…


Art science collaborations are the new black

A decade of residencies through ANAT's Synapse scholarships has changed the way art and science collaborate.


Lorraine Eliott: death of ACMI Board President

Lorraine Elliott AM, a valuable presence in the Victorian Arts world and the President of ACMI, died last night.


Live performance revenue bigger than film and television

The best new data on Australia’s performance sector in many years shows a healthy industry with revenue close to that…


NZFC: changing role, building VOD, provoking Australian thought

The New Zealand Film Commission's Video On Demand moves are surely food for thought across the Tasman.


Games Initiative: last hurrah for a grand idea

The Games industry is bearing the real brunt of the Screen Australia cuts - $0m in cash and lost hopes…


ACMI CEO to step down after a decade

The Australian Centre for the Moving Image’s Director and CEO will finish up when his contract concludes in December 2014.


Martin Potter: Big Stories, Small Towns: Asia Pacific

Martin Potter provides further background into the expansive Big Stories, Small Towns project.

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