
Jane Got a Gun
A shift in perspective proves quietly rousing and patiently revealing in this female-focused take on the western genre.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople
With his latest low-key comedic gem, Taika Waititi adds another earnest, amusing, enchanting and endearing effort to his resume.

In Transit
In his final documentary, filmmaker Albert Maysles charts the tales and textures of America's busiest long-distance train route.

The Nice Guys
An easy-going, astutely cast blend of complicated heroes, hefting servings of violence and slapstick-dominated humour.

The Bad Kids
Actions and images speak louder than words in this immersive, evocative exploration of at-risk students in the Mojave Desert.

Highly Strung
Scott Hicks' latest music-focused feature charts the passion and rigour of classical music, but overflows with competing elements.

The Fits
Shaped by mood and partially told through dance and movement, The Fits is a precise work of intimate, internalised drama.

Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures
As its moniker exclaims, this lively documentary is at its best when it's forcing viewers to explore its subject's artwork.

Green Room
Cultivating an unsettling atmosphere that never ceases, Green Room proves meatier than its horror-thriller formula might suggest.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Following a familiar formula may dictate much of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot's narrative, but so does also ample thoughtfulness.