
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie
On-screen and off, the TV-to-film adaptation of this beloved British sitcom contemplates the topic of relevance.

The Neon Demon
Nicolas Winding Refn returns with a fashion industry fantasy-thriller that's as stylised as it is seductive.

Things to Come
Thoughtful, finessed and finely acted, Things to Come mines seemingly ordinary moments with a matter-of-fact mindset.

Lights Out
For a conventional horror, Lights Out offers surprising amounts of light and shade.

My Life As a Courgette
French filmmaker Céline Sciamma joins forces with Swiss animator Claude Barras in a thoughtful, tender observation of childhood.

Everything Is Copy
An affectionate ode to writer and filmmaker Nora Ephron, as well as an interrogation of her output, impact, and mantra.

Jason Bourne
Repetition, convenience, and expected spectacle mark the return not only of a spy franchise, but of its key star and…

The Eyes of My Mother
An immersive, aesthetically confident and atmospherically commanding exploration of dread, loss, pain and uncertainty.

The Lost Arcade
History and emotion combine in the chronicle of a beloved New York City video game parlour.

Star Trek Beyond
The third instalment in the sci-fi reboot series delivers a visually impressive dose of upbeat but unsurprising nostalgia.