
Film: 'After the Wedding' is a civilised, grown up melodrama
After the Wedding has a small release but deserves to find an audience which enjoys fine actors subtly hacking each…

Film: 'Promised' captures something real
This Italo-Australian romantic drama is sincerely charming, but does that make up for its lack of sophistication?

Game Masters, National Film and Sound Archive (ACT)
ACMI’s popular interactive exhibition comes to Canberra, showcasing the diversity and creativity of games.

Film Review: Locusts tries and fails to have it all
The Wake in Fright-lite struggles to balance the demands of a genre film with character-driven drama.

Film Review: Joker misses any punchlines
Soaking in high production values, pop culture winks and easy nihilism, Joker is all tricks and no fun.

TV Review: Frayed gets dramedy right
Comedy and drama are skilfully fused with a sense of desperation in this UK/Australian ABC series.

Deborah Mailman shines in Total Control's rocky opening episodes
Two eps into the ABC’s six-part series Total Control, Chris Boyd’s advice is not to give up before the end…

Film: The Eulogy honors a lost genius
Janine Hosking's documentary investigates a complex musician and the arts establishment that failed him.

Film review: The Dead Don't Die - 'It's gonna end badly'
As heretical as this will sound to some devotees of American writer-director Jim Jarmusch, I prefer the fairly obvious humour…

Film: Buoyancy floats high
A gripping thriller as well as a grim look at the modern slave trade.