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Opinions & Analysis

Opinions & Analysis

Why artists don't have kids

Childlessness is often regarded as a necessary sacrifice for a creative career, especially for women.

Opinions & Analysis

Screen Australia gets real with diversity agenda

Screen Australia opens up another front in its campaign to change the makeup of the creative sector.

Opinions & Analysis

Tim Flannery on originality in the digital age

An exhibition of digital art prompts an environmental scientist to question the changing meaning of artistic creation.

Opinions & Analysis

Screen NSW has disappeared: why it matters

Pioneering change maker Screen NSW has been dissolved into Create NSW to be and subsumed under the new minister. Is…

Opinions & Analysis

Arts transcend transgender monsters

Literature and film have shifted from demonising transgender people to attempts to understand them and represent them positively.

Opinions & Analysis

We need a national day for the arts

Australia has public holidays for agricultural shows, football finals and a horse race. Why don't the arts have a public…

Opinions & Analysis

Diversity is a white word

The superficial scramble for cultural diversity is not addressing the deep causes of exclusion and the power imbalance in the…

Opinions & Analysis

What creative arts stand to lose from ABC RN cuts

The ABC's decision to ‘de-commission’ music, features & creative content on Radio National has far-reaching implications for Australian culture.

Opinions & Analysis

Why feminists should pay attention to Men's Rights Activists

Men's Rights activists claim feminists have too much power. Censoring them feeds into the anger and hate.

Opinions & Analysis

'Commutainment' rules the Millennial market

Self-made YouTube vlogs are creating a revolution in the control and distribution of entertainment.

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