
Film Victoria: new development guidelines
If you have less than 12 hours of TV or two released features, not much point looking.

Ratings: Wednesday, 30th April, 2014
House Rules tops the rankings handily for Seven as Nine contines to rely on a big bang.

Ratings: Tuesday, 29th April 2014
The My Kitchen Rules finale fell on the competition like the Vandals on Rome. But with spatulas.

ABC: The Australian continues to hang onto its leg, growling
The Australian continues to build on its allegations agin the Shanghai-Sydney deal. No, says Auntie, all is well.

Ratings: Monday, 28th April 2014
First day back from the extended confluence of Easter and Anzac Day and the audience is in no mood for…

How will changes to Arts NSW funding structure affect you?
With promises of greater sustainability and less red tape, things are looking up under the Arts and Cultural Development Program.

Playpen: Russell Crowe gets personal on The Water Diviner
Russell Crowe creates a clever promo piece for his first directing job. With the BEST narration voice.

Logies 2014: experts and public divided again
Top of the Lake and Redfern Now turn out to be the industry favourites in the hotly contested domestic drama…

Ratings: Sunday, 27th April 2014
The nation may love the Logies but not enough to turn Australia into a sea of watchers in that crucial…

Australian v Auntie: the bewilderment of Ms Xu
Does this deal even exist? asks The Australian of the ABC's new China deal. Ms Xu knows nothing of it.