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Surrealist artist and Alien creator dies

Swiss artist H.R. Giger died this week aged 74.


Turner biopic delights at Cannes

Mike Leigh’s new film about the English landscape painter has delighted critics at the Cannes Film Festival.


Box Office: on Tuesday we Heal the Sad Panda

Three Australian features, one with a NZ distributor, face the realities of the domestic marketplace.


Cutting Edge: forming a gang, giving it a nest

Cutting Edge expands, again. Post production is not so much a market as an eco-system, evolving before our very eyes.


Ratings: Thursday, 15th May 2014

The split evening with the football worked well enough for Seven to put it ahead, as Nine went phut.


Ratings: Wednesday, 14th May, 2014

ABC humbled, Ten triumphant


Ratings: Tuesday, 13th May 2014

The budget attracted strong interest but the stability elsewhere said they are not true TV tragics.


MIFF: predestined to hug a Spierig

The Melbourne International Film festival goes local for its opening night, and gets some branding kudos.


Budget: back end chaos heading our way?

With the budget due out tomorrow, the rumour/leaking/logical guesswork machine is still spitting out titbits about the sector.


Human rights film festival on tour

The Human Rights Art and Film Festival tour has begun in Melbourne with an arts program not only to entertain…

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