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Ratings: Tuesday, 8th July 2014

Nondescript night for which no network has the right to be proud - except SBS.


Ratings: Monday, 7th July 2014

Nine has the tonsil show and Seven dips into reality to fight back. Fail.


Ratings: Weekend and Sunday, 6th July 2014

Enjoy it while you can, O mighty Seven - this is the final ep of House Rules.


There’s a lot of heart in Art + Soul

Hetti Perkins takes us into the lives and homes of our nation's leading Indigenous artists in a new series to…


Ratings: Thursday, 3rd July 2014

Nine wins, Masterchef on second, Seven not happy, ABC does the best it can with Time of Our Lives.


Netflix: launching in Australia & NZ in early 2015?

The VOD juggernaut may have made up its mind about the Australian and NZ markets.


Company conversation: 3-4 July 2014

Education moves..


Lorraine Eliott: death of ACMI Board President

Lorraine Elliott AM, a valuable presence in the Victorian Arts world and the President of ACMI, died last night.


Ratings: Wednesday, 2nd July 2014

Seven streaks away while Offspring drops 160,000 - not good news for Australian drama.


Live performance revenue bigger than film and television

The best new data on Australia’s performance sector in many years shows a healthy industry with revenue close to that…

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