
Ratings: Sunday, 3rd August 2014
Block beats X-Factor, Nine beats Seven, Games works for Ten which beats ABC

Madman: gets the keys to its own asylum
Madman Entertainment has now consummated the deal to buy itself back, and is bullish about its own future.

Screen Australia: more talks to deal with documentary impasse
Having realised it is standing in a minefield it laid itself, Screen Australia is holding its breath for another round…

Brief: Enterprise round due 5th September at Screen Oz
Short and sweet - 5th of September, expressions of interest, Enterprise Growth and Enteprise stories...

Ratings: Thursday, 31st July 2014
Seven wins without a format show. Maybe The Block and The Bachelor could be combined in some ugly plastic surgery…

Screen Australia: nine more dox in uncertain times
$3.4m out the door, triggering $11m on nine projects. Why so much per title? Series.

Screen Australia: yes, we have Enterprise liftoff
The new Screen Australia Enterprise scheme has moved from hope to facet and is now open for business.

Ratings: Wednesday, 30th July 2014
Glory for Ten, misery elsewhere.

Deadline Gallipoli: pics on set
The first official images from Foxtel's mini-series Deadline Gallipoli, have been released.

Ratings: Tuesday, 29th July 2014
Bikeless SBS is back on the Bus of Pain; most of Ten's games gain came from Seven.