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MIFF 2014: Paper Planes

Away from the mainstream strut, Robert Connolly had the most unusual premiere of his inventive career with Paper Planes.


Brief: SPA's ones to watch for 2014

SPA's One To Watch program is way of advancing careers and creating attention for emerging creatives on that side of…


Ratings: Thursday, 14th August 2014

Ten and the ABC neck and neck while Nine still wins handily and Seven inches up.


Piracy: new moves, as the audience speaks

A flurry of piracy news adds some new research, sees some justice delivered, and raises some older questions.


Ratings: Wednesday, 13th August 2014

A bunch of new shows made locally arrive on the ABC and Ten, to mixed results.


Web Series: international co-pro meets branded entertainment meets dreams of empire


Screen legend Lauren Bacall dies aged 89

The Hollywood actress died of a stroke Tuesday morning US time at her home in New York’s Upper West Side.


Toronto: relief at latest announcements

Could we have been stuck with but a single film screening at Toronto in 2014? Not so, to the relief…


David Bowie Is: ACMI’s next Winter Masterpiece

The iconic rocker and cultural icon David Bowie will be the subject of the next Melbourne Winter Masterpieces Series.


Box Office: Tuesday 12th August 2014

Surely the final hours for These Final Hours.

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