Mock ye not The Truth
Everybody likes a laugh. After all 's/he who laughs, lasts.' But what if a good yarn comes at the expense…
PLAYPEN: Gone fishing
Maybe this is a cut-rate nature show. Maybe they are cocaine dealers who can't believe their luck. Either way, the…
Reality TV - the resurgence of myth
When is reality not reality? When it's a myth. Once described by The New York Times as "gross-out shockumentaries and…
Stokes gets first taste of grilling
Kerry Stokes added to the short list of Great Austraiian Media Quotes when he said that Packer told him at…
THE PLAYPEN: ads and the internet
Every Wednesday, we will post links to short films, viral ads and snappy music videos, to remind us what can…
Digital Culture
The 20th Century saw many would-be revolutions, and none more significant than the digital revolution that resulted from technological advances…
Raymond Gill on myths, the mainstream and the press
Arts Hub is pleased to bring you this final response to Robyn Archer's Platform Papers issue: The Myth of the…
Reality show has sperm as stars
The Dutch are a tolerant people, but even they may think a new reality TV idea has gone too far.
Rank and Phile
There has always been an audience for compelling stories and skillful storytellers. From campfire tales of heroic adventures and deistic…
Film Australia wants your child
It sounds like ‘7 Up’ crossed with some vast sociology experiment in a society of androids. Your child could be…