Collective Wisdom: Rate the funding agencies
Rate your favourite funding agency in a number of categories, from sanity of funding policies to clarity of prose.
Something to say
A new breed of political filmmakers is emerging. And already they are splitting into factions. Since the end of the…
PLAYPEN: very, very disruptive
A psychology test, delivered to you over the internet, that endless fountain of truth.
Coonan survey: do you think we were surprised?
Last week we sent out 'The Great Coonan Discussion Paper Survey' our first patented, self designed survey. We are shocked…
Latest DVD, Video & Game Rentals
Wolf Creek can't quite budge The 40 Year Old Virgin from top spot in the DVD rental market.
Mock ye not The Truth
Everybody likes a laugh. After all 's/he who laughs, lasts.' But what if a good yarn comes at the expense…
PLAYPEN: Gone fishing
Maybe this is a cut-rate nature show. Maybe they are cocaine dealers who can't believe their luck. Either way, the…
Reality TV - the resurgence of myth
When is reality not reality? When it's a myth. Once described by The New York Times as "gross-out shockumentaries and…
Stokes gets first taste of grilling
Kerry Stokes added to the short list of Great Austraiian Media Quotes when he said that Packer told him at…