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Ratings: Tuesday, 30th July 2013

Seven handily, now that Nine has no more than Big Brother, which ain't the winner it used to be.


Box Office: Satellite Boy hangs in

Hopscotch has added more screens for Satellite Boy


No Borders: three Australian projects in New York indy co-pro market

Set around the world, these three projects are among the 42 new narrative feature projects in the September forum.


March of the Moguls: killer acronym to whack the other killer acronyms trapped in bureaucratic slaug

We all know that trade negotiators obsessed with free trade are the enemies of cultural policy. Dr D has found…


Ratings: Sunday, 28th July 2013

Nine demonstrates the killer lock - a popular realityy teev competition about real estate, along with the launch of another…


Books at MIFF 2013: turning out for The Turning

Robert Connolly wil mastermind the information flow about The Turning very carefully. This stage is mostly about negotiating the rights…


Cinematographers: they could be making trouble...

The cinematographers slipped shyly onto the SMPTE program to run two sessions which quietly revealed the flashpoints in a changing…


Ratings: Wednesday, 24th July 2013 

Whiskers separate Seven from Nine just below, with a gap to Ten and the ABC another whisker under that. As…


Fury Road: the camera department reveals all

Although the fraught, obsessed crusade of Mad Max: Fury Road is defended by evil PR ninjas, genius cinematographer John Seale…


Ratings: Thursday, 25th July 2013

Is Matchbox happy with Formal Wars on 676,000? With Nine rolling out The Block and The Footy Show, it is…

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