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Golden Swans: Thai awards curry controversy

Thailand's National Film Awards, aka the Subhanahongsa or Golden Swan Awards, changed its systems this year, resulting in some unexpected…


Des Monaghan: exit of a Titan, but not too far

Des Monaghan, long one half of the Des and Bob show which built Screentime into the purveyor of memorable shows…


Ratings: Tuesday, 25th February 2014

If Seven doesn't stop it, we will all go blind. The kitchen show had 2.123 in the five cities and…


Box Office: strange, inspiring events in exhibition from The Turning to Wolf Creek 2 and The Railway

The Turning evolves into a magical constellation for a single night, Wolf Creek 2 tops the box office with the…


Brief: ABC to broadcast Sochi Paralympics

For those who love the Winter Olympics but were reduced to despair by the Ten coverage, the ABC is offering…


Ratings: 25th February 2014

One in seven Australians is hooked on Seven's approach to food. Beats any individual sport… maybe.


Brief: Directors Guild already planning party

You can't stop the ADG from setting up a decent shindig. Almost a year to the day after the 2013…


Drew Berry and animation: wonder, magnified a billion times

Drew Berry is an extraordinary animator, who works among leading scientists, exploits new forms of projection, and creates accessible animation…


AIDC: you want to know the secret game? Joost Den Hartog maps a landscape of change

While the international changes before our very eyes, the AIDC is seeing the key Australian companies return to the delegate…


Ratings: Sunday, 23rd February 2014

Both titans are above 30% and the ABC's highest is a documentary about high flying dinosaurs.

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