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Company Announcements

Company Announcements

AWG: 2007 AWGIE Award Call for Entries

Once again, Australian writers throw off their masks of meekness (TM) and reveal themselves as the savage competitors they really…

Company Announcements

Nine: Humphrey still the one.

Nine's official press release on retaining the Bear. Hurrah!

Company Announcements

Flying Bark Productions: management changes

As of February 28, 2007, Geoff Watson will step down from his role as Managing Director of Australian company Flying…

Company Announcements

ABC: jobs for the bush

The ABC will add another 17 Radio Online producers to the existing 25, to 'write stories and gather stills, audio…

Company Announcements

NSW FTO: given Tania Chambers her first cup of tea

The new head of NSW FTO has just had her first day on the job. She is not answering calls…

Company Announcements

Animation writer: busy

Just to prove that we can glue a living out of many different strands, Robert Greenberg shows how it can…

Company Announcements

Oberhausen: Kinomuseum - Cinema as a new museum

Oberhausen is the big, gnarly parent of short film festivals, which forefronts art, asks Significant Questions and treats the notion…

Company Announcements

BBC Motion Gallery: snookered, revved and curled

BBC Motion Gallery, the archive clips sales arm of BBC Worldwide, has bolstered its specialist sports footage by signing several…

Company Announcements

FSM: a painterly touch

FSM is delighted to have contributed to the recent Sundance Film Festival success of Australian film, Clubland directed by Cherie…

Company Announcements

Cybershack: Geek's own dream

Here's a case of the network really knowing its demographic. The new host of TEN's gaming and computer show, Cybershack,…

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