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Career Advice


ScreenHub's best advice for screen professionals from 2022

Want to be a director? Or perhaps a composer? Or maybe you just want to produce your own short film.…

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Masters Program Accelerates Careers

The Screen Academy Master of Screen Studies at Edith Cowan University offers mentorship, real-world learning and more than a touch…

Career Advice

Where to submit your short film (and get it seen)

If you've made a short film of any length this year, chances are there's a festival or open screen night…


Want to be a film and TV composer? Nigel Westlake says 'check your ego'

Accomplished Australian composer Nigel Westlake shares his tips and tricks for getting into the screen music industry.

Career Advice

Want to be an interactive producer? Aly Zhang says 'craft an online presence'

As a multidisciplinary creative, Aly Zhang is never bored or wanting for a creative outlet. Here's how she does it.


How to crowdfund your film or TV project

Is crowdfunding overrated? Maybe – but there are ways to make it work and get your film funded quickly.

Career Advice

Why I did a Reality TV show for my arts practice

The only Australian in the Netflix series Blown Away, we talk to Tegan Hamilton on the wins, and pains, of…


Screen Warriors recruits veterans for film & TV development

Defence force veterans can retrain in film & TV rolesas part of a new program delivered by AFTRS and the…

Career Advice

How to nail a video interview

Interviews are nerve-wracking, especially if this is your first time doing one over video call! Keep calm and read our…

Career Advice

How to build a portfolio of your creative work (and make it stand out)

Digital portfolios can seem daunting, especially if you've never made a website before. Here's how to do it in five…

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