Grant Details


Presentation & Promotion

Grant Amount

Upon application


All Screen



Screen Australia

Documentary Producer Program

The intention of the Producer program is to provide producers with the flexibility to drive projects both creatively and commercially, with Screen Australia funding as the foundation for growing and securing deals.

The program is designed to support innovative, distinctive and engaging documentaries with a strong creative vision in the context of today’s evolving media and distribution landscape and the commercial realities of increasingly fragmented sources of finance.

It supports one-off documentaries and series intended for broadcast, festival, theatrical, online and XR platforms. Minimum budget is $125,000 per hour.

For Social Media first release content please refer to Screen Australia’s Online Production Guidelines.

While marketplace commitment is not required at application but projects will need to demonstrate a highly developed understanding of how they will reach and engage their target market and audience. (See Pathways to audience).

Please Note: It is a condition of this funding program that successful applications will have all finance in place within four months from the date of confirmation of Screen Australia approval. It is understood that some funding approvals will lapse because they cannot confirm finance within this time frame.

For more information, visit Screen Australia

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