Focus on Radu Jude

Strap yourself in – the narrative revolution is here. For a significant part of it, Radu Jude's filmmaking career has coincided with the enduring Romanian New Wave that has seen a…


Event Details



Event Starts

Sep 6, 2024

Event Ends

Sep 23, 2024


Cinemas, Level 2, ACMI


Fed Square

Strap yourself in – the narrative revolution is here.

For a significant part of it, Radu Jude’s filmmaking career has coincided with the enduring Romanian New Wave that has seen a renewed international fascination with Romanian films. In many ways, his early films typify the movement, offering articulate snapshots of Romanian life. Liminal moments often seem minor, yet meaningful.

A recurring motif in Radu Jude’s films is driving, but rarely going somewhere new. Journeys are often cyclical, characters are often intransigent. This cannot be said for Radu Jude himself.

Mapping out his films, as we have done with this program, our journey takes us a long way stylistically from where it began. In the past few years, the director’s films have become more experimental, playing with narrative structures and taking cinema in a truly fascinating direction.

As our collective attention spans shift, and as audiences seek out more short-form media on Instagram and TikTok, Radu Jude has adapted to feed this appetite, while rewarding longer engagement.

Join us in ACMI Cinemas as we celebrate the wild man of the Romanian New Wave and some of the most interesting and captivating films on the international cinema landscape today.

– Reece Goodwin, Curator (Film & TV)

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