Course Details


Master Degree

Study Load

Full Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location


Applications Close

Oct 31, 2024


2 years

Course Code


The University of Melbourne

Master of Film and Television

The Master of Film and Television is an integrated coursework Masters with two specialisations – Filmmaking and Screen Producing. The program is for creatives interested in extending their skills in different types of cinematic storytelling and encourages applications from both fiction and documentary filmmakers and screen producers working across genres.

The Master of Film and Television offers you intensive, studio-based training in film and TV across producing, writing, directing, and editing for the screen, preparing you for professional work in the industry. The course includes a professional industry placement, a film festival and industry market experience that can be taken overseas or locally.

In a deeply collaborative learning environment and with mentoring from staff and industry guests, students will develop the interpersonal, technical, and intellectual skills that will enable them to effectively lead creative projects and support the creativity of others. Students will be supported to develop their own individual screen voices and gain an understanding of both established and emerging screen cultures and storytelling cultures.

Filmmaking specialisation

Across two years you will write, direct and edit two films and develop a third project ready to pitch to the marketplace.   First year films are of a shorter duration while graduating productions allow for a broader range of production parameters and extended duration with the aim of facilitating the development of your unique, creative voice as a screen director.

The course features studio-based intensive classes with a range of industry guest lecturers, as well as ‘insider’ Q&A sessions with visiting filmmakers.

The invitation to showcase student films in many leading international film festivals has given Master of Film and Television students the opportunity to meet and network with fellow filmmakers from around the world, connecting them with the global film, television, and new media industries. You will develop enduring peer networks throughout the program, which are instrumental to the realisation of your professional projects out in the industry.

In addition to directing your own projects, you will collaborate with your peers in Screen Producing to bring your films to life. The Filmmaking Specialisation provides students with the skills necessary to produce relevant, innovative, and challenging screen art. The program supports the development of students’ critical, practical, and creative understanding of all relevant aspects of film making needed to positively impact a rapidly evolving screen industry.

Screen Producing specialisation

The Screen Producing Specialisation provides students with industry-leading knowledge and skills to work as professional producers in the rapidly evolving screen industry. The specialisation develops students’ theoretical and practical understanding of all aspects of the functional and technical role of the producer, focusing on the creative, practical and business aspects of being a successful producer.

Alongside your classroom experiences you will also collaborate on graduate productions with your Filmmaking Specialisation colleagues.  Through working in senior production roles you’ll gain experience with the tools and strategies used in the industry, refine your understanding of the diverse talents and aspirations that drive screen productions and hone the interpersonal skills to lead creative projects.

As well as working on a number of graduate films Screen Producing students undertake an individual or collaborative producer-led project which they can develop to take to the marketplace upon graduation.

Graduates of the Screen Producing specialisation  will establish themselves as world artistic citizens and cultural agents within the international professional film, television, arts and streaming markets with the view to actively participating in the industry with a tailored and unique producing philosophy and a strong, diverse and resilient skill base.

For more information, visit The University of Melbourne

Course Fee
