Course Details


Bachelor Degree

Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location


Applications Close

Feb 26, 2025

Course Starts

Mar 3, 2025


4 years

Course Code

VTAC Code (CSP) 3400236321

Swinburne University of Technology

Bachelor of Film and Television (Honours)


Gain the essential creative skills and technical knowledge to make high-quality cinema, television and digital media productions. You’ll use state-of-the-art workstations, a purpose-built green screen room, high-end cameras and more. You could also opt for an International Study Tour to attend the Berlinale Film Festival in Germany or go on a creative residence in Italy.

Your industry experience

Bolster your CV with real industry experience while you study with Work Integrated Learning programs, guaranteed in all our bachelor degrees. In Major Project: Production (FTV40010) and Major Project: Post-Production and Distribution (FTV40011), you’ll produce a film in consultation with industry that replicates real-world film production.

For more information, visit Swinburne University of Technology

Course Fee
