Course Details


Bachelor Degree

Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location


Course Starts

Feb 24, 2025


3 years full-time; 6 years part-time

Course Code

QTAC code 419342

Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Film and Screen)

Apply production skills to create compelling screen stories and develop the theoretical and practical knowledge required to operate as a professional in the film and television industry.


  • Develop skills across all aspects of screen production including cinematography, editing, sound or directing, or learn how to be a producer or scriptwriter.
  • Showcase your work to industry professionals and external clients at public screenings.
  • Choose from a range of genres including documentary, drama, television, and experimental film while exploring digital and mobile platforms.
  • Graduates have made films or programs that have won Oscars, Emmy, BAFTA, AFI and IF awards, and screened at major international and Australian film festivals.
  • Customise your Bachelor of Creative Arts (Film and Screen) degree to your desired career outcomes with options of a second major, minors and/or extensions and electives.
  • Unique course structure allows you to combine creative disciplines together to develop transferable skills across a range of industries.

Why choose this course?

Our screens are changing. They range in all shapes and sizes from the latest large format cinema screens, immersive headsets, down to the screen on our phones that travel with us, and everything in between. Regardless of the size, one thing that drives us is the power of the storytelling that we create and view on these screens. These stories can shock us. Make us think. Make us laugh. Take us out of this world and send us on a fantasy journey. And the people who produce these moving pictures have never had more creative freedom.

This film course for the digital age provides opportunities to develop your skills in traditional practices including producing, writing, editing, sound, cinematography and directing, and also new emerging practices in virtual production and extended reality. You will learn skills used in digital content production, gain business and leadership skills, and knowledge of how the entertainment industry works. Regardless of your chosen specialisation, this broad base of skills will make you attractive to employers, or set you up to better take control of your freelance career.

The film and screen major will allow you to explore a wide range of career options within the film and screen industries before specialising in an area of your choice. If your passion is cinematography, editing, sound, writing, producing or directing, you will develop technical skills by producing high-quality, creative content. If you are interested in writing, developing or producing screen content, you will find your niche as a storyteller and creative entrepreneur, learning how to generate ideas and develop them into finished productions, source funding, and identify opportunities for collaboration and distribution.

This course gives you the opportunity to work across all genres and areas of production, to build agility for you to respond to changing work conditions to build a sustainable career in the screen industry.

Tailor your film and screen degree for your future with a second major or a combination of other creative field majors, minors and and/or extensions and electives that allow you to further specialise in production design, sound design, post production and visual effects, or script development.

Real-world learning

The need for impactful, inclusive and diverse storytelling across a range of platforms (subscription TV, mobile devices, the Internet, promotional campaigns, film festivals and events) is leading to lucrative opportunities for multi-skilled professionals in the screen industry.  By choosing to study film at QUT, you will be real-world ready for a creative career in this rapidly evolving landscape.

You’ll have opportunities to work in a range of genres including documentary, drama, television and experimental film, across formats including film, television, digital, web, mobile platforms and emerging media formats including XR. You’ll be prepared for the industry, whether you plan to work in an established production house or develop a freelance career.

You will be industry ready for the career path you choose to pursue. You will gain experience in your specialisation by working with other students to produce creative works for external clients and may have your works showcased to the industry at public screenings in your final year.

Past QUT film students have worked on television programs such as Burning Man, Doctor Strange, My Mistress, Hacksaw Ridge, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant as well as TV series Hoff the Record, Secrets and Lies, True Detective, Westworld, The Night Manager and Battlebots.

For more information, visit Queensland University of Technology

Course Fee
