Course Details


Advanced Diploma

Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location


Course Starts

Feb 10, 2025


1 year

Course Code

Program code: C6173; National curriculum code: CUA60620

RMIT University

Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Content Creation and Design)

The Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Content Creation and Design) is delivered as part of a sequence, beginning with the Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects).

Upon satisfactory completion of the diploma you will be eligible to progress to the advanced diploma.

This advanced diploma gives you the broad base necessary to move ahead in the art, design, screen and media industries. RMIT is renowned as Australia’s leader in screen, interactive and new media education. We’ll provide you with a creative and supportive environment of artistic and intellectual investigation with great opportunities to forge industry connections.

For more information, visit RMIT University

Applications Open

Jul 29, 2024

Course Fee
