artshub-au's Latest Articles

Review: Tomb Raider
A largely routine reboot that benefits from a refreshing take on its protagonist and well-staged action scenes.

VR - so emotive you may never get out
As VR experts learn to build visceral experiences, they too are going communal, and talking duty of care about their…

The key to online is algorithmic, crocodilian and surprisingly laid back
AIDC 2018 took delegates down the rabbit hole of digital and social platforms, to reveal the scale and quality of…

Video and print journalists combine to cut through storms of digital garbage
Major newspapers are recruiting documentary makers aka video journalists to make short-form pieces that add the punch of screen storytelling…

AFTRS Producer Offset, Docos, Screenwriting & Export Markets
AFTRS still has a few spots in this month’s short courses including: Producer Offset: Don’t forget the QAPE, Intro to…

Chris Owen - requiem for a filmmaker between worlds
Technically Australian, documentary filmmaker and visual anthropologist Chris Owen's story transcends borders and cultures. His colleague Les McLaren pays tribute.

Nigel Dick - death of a civilised supremo
Vale: Nigel Alexander Dick AM PhD, March 15, 1928 – March 8, 2018.

MAFS - new turn for gender drama hooks fascinated audience
It looks as if the screen sector is capitalising on a huge international shift in gender attitudes. Even Married At…

Review: The Divine Order (Die Göttliche Ordnung)
Switzerland's The Devine Order is a timely reminder of why western women enjoy the freedoms we do, and the crucial…

AIDC 2018: Curtis Levy versus the status quo
Receiving the Stanley Hawes Award, indy documentary veteran Curtis Levy reveals that respect matters but pomp is for poseurs.