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AFTRS Intro to VR, TV Formats, Reframe Innovation & more
AFTRS short course highlights include: Intro to VR this weekend, Writing for Hollywood with John Collee in April and brand…
Announcement: AFTRS launches online resources for schools
AFTRS grows its online resources with lessons for primary and secondary school teachers.
AFTRS TV Writing, TV Formats, VR, Reframe Innovation & more
AFTRS 10-week online Writing for TV starts this week. Other short course highlights include: Intro to VR, brand new Developing…
Review: Love, Simon
The first mainstream romantic comedy with a gay teenage protagonist, this heartfelt effort charms despite its evident formula.
Review: Blockers
The wild night-focused comedy gets a refreshing dose of perspective, ditching humiliation for empathy.
NAVA Executive Director criticises recent NSW arts summit
Esther Anatolitis offers a fiery response to a missed opportunity, saying the Arts2025 summit spiralled to a point where all…
AFTRS Intro to VR, TV Writing, TV formats, RE:FRAME & more
AFTRS short course highlights include: Intro to VR, Writing for TV: Online, Developing a TV Series Format plus Directing Actors…
NSW cultural fringes receive $350,000 in funding boost
From new kilns to a purpose-built performance space, 14 organisations across NSW will benefit from a $350,000 boost via the…
$1 million boost for Western Sydney arts community
Minister Harwin has opened the State’s coffers with an additional $1M promised to bolster emerging artists in Sydney’s West.
TV Formats, Narrative Comedy, Content Creation, VR & More
Short course highlights include: brand new Developing a TV series Format plus Directing Actors and Writing for Hollywood with John…