artshub-au's Latest Articles

Film Review: Celeste – The Work of an Australian Auteur
Australian auteurs relish Tropic Gothic as it confronts flesh, memory and the blurred promises of sexuality. Adrian Martin examines Celeste…

Directors' Guild poised to run 2019 awards
The long wait for competitors is almost over. The ADG is selling tickets to the awards which are unveiled on…

Amazon Prime Video squeezes indy doc makers over returns
The science and commercial logic of internet stats are not your friend - as providers to Amazon Prime Video are…

Review: Chris Lilley's Lunatics ranges from childish to moronic
He's new to Netflix but Lilley's latest comedy doesn't move far beyond poo jokes. Anthony Morris is not a fan.

Burning – Little and Great Hungers
Adrian Martin takes us into the cinematic joys and fumbles of Burning, and its icy cumulative drama created by ambiguity…

Talent Camp bursts bubble in search for real Australia
In 2019, Talent Camp returns in search of new talent, new perspectives and new voices that reflect the richness and…

Not Very Funny: ABC's comedy coverage of Election looks scant
As the only source of political satire on Australian TV, the national broadcaster faces the polls without The Chaser, John…

Film Review: Hellboy
Rebooting this comic book hero proves an underdone, overblown slog.

Game of Thrones - Foxtel glee about our love of slaughter
We can imagine Brian Walsh, head of Foxtel TV, begging his execs to find him the next Game of Thrones.…

TV Review: Uncannily Good - The Twilight Zone Reboot
Updated with panache and hosted by horror maestro Jordan Peele, this version of the iconic series has been worth the…