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Visual Arts


How to have a screen career – ten tips that really matter

Ten ways to be part of the future. Because the COVID hiatus will be history.

Opinions & Analysis

From Now till Then: a brief reflection on institutional racism

Kalu Oji gives the perspective of an African-Australian film school graduate.


The Masked Singer: all fine with a sinister edge

COVID-19 has finally struck the Australian screen sector, as seven dancers on 'The Masked Singer' test positive and production grinds…


WA studio proposal suddenly gets real

The WA government is now serious about supporting a studio complex in Perth and has asked for proposals in a…


Feds release insurance dosh

The government's COVID-19 insurance system has now started and works under very tight rules.


Media diversity: the awful truth about our newsrooms

New research shines the cold light of reality on who gets to tell us what's important in TV news and…


Screen News in Brief: there is no courage without fear

'Mulan's debut on Disney+ may change exhibition forever. 'Metro Sexual' sells to US, ABC announces bushfire drama series, and Screen…


SAFC responds to government order: go for growth

South Australian screen support bodies keep their independence, bet on idealism and co-operation.


Diverse voices championed in new collaboration

At Screenhub we want to fully represent the Australian screen industry, including those voices silenced or lost in established power…


Documentary and the wild, weird world of COVID-19

Feeling dull? A Wellness Roadshow webinar, AIDC podcasts, an online edition of the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers,…

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