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Company Announcements

Metro Screen guide out now

To gain your own copy of our 2008 guide see attached or download it from our homepage or pick…

Company Announcements

Soundfirm: welcomes new Sydney Manager

Australia’s largest and most highly awarded sound post-production company, Soundfirm, is pleased to announce the expansion of their team with…





Project Managers' Pay Rates: the national comparison

what are they

Company Announcements

White Sound by Sarah Tracton

‘White Sound’ made in this years Metro Screen Documentary Scholarship course by Sarah Tracton who is deaf has been asked…

Company Announcements

Metro Screen Tropfest Discounts

Metro Screen gives all filmmakers making a film for Tropfest 2008 15% off gear and facilities hire. This excludes stock,…

Company Announcements

AFI Fellowship 2007: Recipient - Nick Barkla

Nick Barkla dreamt up a new way of working in the Australian film industry and the AFI is now helping…

Company Announcements

SAFC: mini baby boom creates skills shortage

Well, its only one kid, but the job is interesting. The Project Officer in the Screen Industry Programs is off…

Company Announcements

New Member Discount for Victorian Writers

The AWG is waiving the standard joining fee for Victorian writers who become Guild members before the 31 December 2007…


SPAA: in the end, DigiSPAA was secret men's business

John Simpson, producer from NSW, is a happy man. Surrounded by people who are a little slow off the mark…

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