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DOCNZ: first look at festival films - updated

Wading through the 500-thick pile of submissions is probably one of the least appealing parts of curating a festival. The…


Sam Raimi: picking up young foreigners

Following the success of his short Panic Attack!, young Uruguayan director Federico Alvarez gets picked up by Sam Raimi, who…


Camerimage: cinematographers rug up and head for Poland

The annual International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, Plus Camerimage opened its doors on the weekend in chilly…


Film Archive: Labour complains about lack of government support

Labour arrives late to the Film Archive fundraising party, but in time to criticise Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage,…

Company Announcements

RMIT Pool Launch: writer pride Cubed at ACMI

The RMIT Student Screenwriters’ Association Pool Launch for 2009 was held at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image on…

Company Announcements

Bolderpictures: shooting and aiming high

Bolderpictures today announced that its upcoming feature-length movie Fa?ade will be produced in Perth, Western Australia, before being submitted to…


New Zealand Weekend Box Office to November 29

New Moon hung on for the top spot, passing the $4 million mark easily, while 2012 hung on for second…


APSA 09: The winners

NZ's only nominated film, The Strength of Water, missed out on the gongs at last night's Asia Pacific Screen Awards…


NZ On Screen: sporting new shorts for summer

NZ On Screen have added another couple of short films to their collection, again demonstrating that Kiwis can do that…


New Zealand Box Office w / e November 25

Predictably, New Moon conquered all, taking almost two thirds of all takings for the week. Twilight has taken $3.75 million…

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