
Australian films to keep you company on Valentine's Day
Australian filmmakers have something for everyone, however swooning or cynical you might be feeling.

Oscars so Surprising: Parasite, Politics and Vegans
A South Korean fable about capitalism made history in a ceremony filled with songs, speeches and snubs to Netflix.

Did the weekend Box Office predict the Oscar winners?
The answer will (probably not) shock you. Let's look at the weekend's numbers, in the wake of a very surprising…

Beating the blame game in continuity errors
Who makes the continuity mistakes mocked later on the internet? It is not the diligent notetakers on location, who have…

Adapting Too Much Lip for screen
Author Melissa Lucashenko talks to ArtsHub about bringing her award-winning novel to the screen.

SPA encourages producers to consider fire-affected areas
Go forth and hunt for locations, says SPA, to help areas now trashed by fire and drought.

Netflix enlists an old troll to fight Australian regulation
The government has released hidden submissions to the last digital enquiry, so we discover how Netflix has armed itself to…

Box Office: Two world wars cannot unseat Bad Boys
Who knew films about men shooting things and blowing stuff up would draw crowds? It's time again to crunch the…

We predict the Oscars 2020 winners
If anyone can pick a winner at the Oscars, Grace Boschetti can. Even better, she has a sense of injustice…

Putting Ned Kelly in a Dress: An interview with Justin Kurzel
The director talks about his provocative punk adaptation of Peter Carey's Man Booker Prize-winning novel.