Performing Arts
The end of the world as we know it - a continuing saga
The ScreenHub crystal ball looks at the deep challenges and transformations facing the sector in 2015.
Non-stop collaborations and commissions: Carriageworks is back with a brand new program for 2015
Impressive in scope, scale and ambition, Carriageworks in the heart of Sydney’s Redfern continues the consolidation and growth of its…
Inclusivity Arts fundamental to a creative economy
The British Council is ideally placed to draw on the UK’s global leadership in Inclusivity arts policy and practice.
Australia’s British Council Alumni
The British Council’s exchange programs play a vital role in developing the careers of Australian creative practitioners.
Empowering artists through the law
The Arts Law Centre of Australia has made a difference for 30 years. It has celebrated that history this week.
Is critical dialogue a dying art?
Recent debate on The Conversation serves an opposition between print and online media, but online reviewing deserves a fair go.
Live performance revenue bigger than film and television
The best new data on Australia’s performance sector in many years shows a healthy industry with revenue close to that…
Artists on the dole: the cost of the cuts
Many artists under 30 rely on Newstart to supplement dismal incomes. How much hardship will Joe Hockey's benefit cuts cause?
Conflict over copyright - is it fair?
The arts sector is deeply divided over the introduction of fair use into the Australian Copyright Act, as was evident…
Changes likely for online censorship
ACMA acknowledges Australia's restricted access system for online content is outdated and questions its effectiveness.