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Performing Arts


The secret love affair between pirates and creators

New research and a new lobby group in the screen sector rewrites the playbook on the approach to piracy.


Will crowdfunding become even more useful with new legislation?

Crowdfunding could become even more useful to the arts with some new legislation expected to be introduced by the end…


She Only Barks at Night

An eerie and unsettling evening, featuring a live horse, a dead cat, and a French doctor.


Six rules of a good online booking experience

Great, someone wants to come to your show. But make booking too hard and they might give up or never…


How to turn a chat into an opportunity

Conversation equals wealth if you know how to leverage casual encounters into marketing opportunities.

Opinions & Analysis

Is there a cultural narrative for Perth?

Perth needs a distinctive cultural narrative that weaves together Aboriginal and European histories.

Career Advice

Are you tax-deductible?

Donations to individual artists are not usually tax-deductible, but crowdsourcing could provide new opportunities.


Top Ten ArtsHub stories: February 2015

Catch up on the most-read stories on ArtsHub in the past month.


Arts Party Leader stands for NSW Parliament

As the Arts Party gathers its forces, leader PJ Collins is putting himself on the ticket in NSW.


Plugging the gaps in arts value research

Despite more than 500 studies, reviewers say better research is needed to convince policy-makers that strong arts activity generates happier,…

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