Performing Arts

Australian screenwriters: so long and thanks for all the reject letters
Go global, the financiers cry, so Australian screenwriters are doing just that, setting up their own system to get Hollywood…

Kerry O'Brien: veteran truthteller gives a speech to remember
At the Logies, Kerry O'Brien defends the ABC, is honest about journalism, names climate change and calls for Reconciliation.

Ageism in the Screen Industry
It's the unsexy dirty laundry at the bottom of the diversity basket, but we need to look at how ageism…

St Kilda nominations - 2018 meets wave of 2019
The Battle of Imaginations plays out across a hundred films. Will an established swag grow, or a new treasure glitter…

Key emerging filmmaker events from Adelaide and Melbourne
On exactly the same weekend of July 27-28, AFTRS has partnered with two separate agencies in different states to focus…

New Minister Fletcher shows inclinations on quotas and content regs
Though the government is mostly silent on the content regulations debate, Paul Fletcher has his initial reactions on his website.

Netflix to ramp up policy war over regulation
The new Australian Netflix office is being talked up as a golden goose for producers, but the lobbyists think the…

How to speak directly to the camera
Asked for a pitch to camera? Here's how to go from collywobbles to a confident smile. Just remember the eyes…

Is the BBC on the way to dominating international news?
The international growth of the BBC is part of a transformation in broadcasting networks which feeds on the need for…

St Kilda Film Festival - screen dreams at the winter solstice
The annual St Kilda Film Festival is about to launch with a complete package of support to engage emerging makers.