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Performing Arts


Hey presto! He understands. Minister Fletcher makes a speech

Minister Paul Fletcher keeps the mystery about the government's decisions on regulation, but sets out to prove he understands what…


Screen Forever: on the hunt for answers

Screenhub is on a mission at Screen Forever. What do we want to know about, from our unique industry perspective?


Piloting a Program for Change: Women in Film & Television (WIFT) Australia

Designed to target gender-based violence and discrimination in the screen and games industries, the ScreenMATE Bystander Program runs in Melbourne…


Drama report confirms resilience of Australian screen sector

Here’s a different way to look at the annual Screen Australia Drama Report, all in the name of optimism.

Australian documentary 2040

Film, philanthropy and the biology of hope

Q: What makes a great cause-related documentary? A: a great documentary made by amazingly driven people, as demonstrated by the…


Europeans have streaming companies dead to rights

The international streamers would not be pleased with a quota to operate here - but they have already surrendered in…


AACTA 2019 - battle of the prodcos

Which production companies scored the most nominations across the board in this year's competition. Think bragging rights.


APSA challenges Queensland filmmakers with route to Asia

What does a working relationship with filmmakers from the Asia Pacific offer Australian filmmakers? APSA aims to open up the…


Screen Forever is leaner and meaner as the screen world mutates

The Screen Forever program this year offers the drama of trying to be in two places at once in a…


Australians fight to set up audio-visual royalties system in Asia

Asian countries are vigilant about music royalties but the screen sector is ignored. That may soon change,

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